Our Governance Code Culture

based on the board-director model

The Foundation has a board of four members, who are jointly responsible for policy.

Chairman – Konstantin Koukias
Secretary – Joke Schulkes-van de Pol
Treasurer – Shariva Koops
Member – Safae Benaskar.
Executive artistic director – Marion von Tilzer.

The executive artistic director is the creative centre of our organisation. Her creative work and her ideas regarding its presentation are the starting point of the Foundation’s work with the ultimate goal of shaping our social mission.

This Board of directors, and her advisors, bring forth a rich and diverse skill set that resonates deeply with the principles of cultural governance, covering the cultural side as well as the social and ethical sides. .

The board members are aware that a Board-Director governance model implies that the board is ultimately responsible for both the preparation and the adoption and implementation of policy. Arrangements have been made with the executive artistic director for this purpose.

1. MuziCan realizes its social objective by creating, transmitting, and/or safeguarding cultural value.

The (statutory) social objective of the Muzican Foundation is to promote various forms of music presentation and to connect them with other art presentations such as film, dance, visual arts, architecture and/or photography. Of importance to the Foundation is that the presentations are accessible to a wide audience. The presentations seek exchanges/dialogue between different traditions and cultures and reflect socially relevant themes. 

1. Creating
by commissioning musical pieces and connecting these compositions with the aforementioned other forms of art.

2. Transmitting
by exploring opportunities to connect music from different cultures and organizing multi-art performances for, and in interaction with, a broad public both national and international; but also giving workshops and organizing educational projects e.g. for schools.

3. Safeguarding
by giving musical performances, capturing them on visual material and distributing them through (social) media channels.

The board and artistic director have an open eye for sustainable aspects within and around our creative work,

We have a regular scope for opinions from those involved in the development and implementation of the various projects.  MuziCan also offers space for all kinds of interested parties outside its organisation to be involved. At  the same time we are aware of various and possible conflicting interests. and always balance them with our social and sustainable goals.

MuziCan safeguards artistic integrity in its work, has a culture of integrity and has an open, mutually-oriented attitude towards society and external stakeholders. The Foundation ensures that funding from various sources does not affect its social objective and any surpluses are always returned to the Foundation’s own capital.

2. MuziCan applies the principles of the Cultural Governance Code and will always explain how it does so. The organisation follows the recommendations and only deviates from them when there is a motivation, which will then be explained.

Our board, together with the artistic executive director, bears responsibility for compliance with the Code and reviews it annually.

Among other things, the board accounts for itself in the annual report and ensures that this report meets the requirements set out in the Governance Code for Culture and the ANBI status.

3. MuziCan’s board members and its artistic executive director are independent and act with integrity. They keep each other sharp and are alert to overlapping interests, avoid unwanted overlapping interests, and deal with conflicts of interest in a transparent and careful manner (Statutes 4.9 and  6.1) Together, they ensure a culture of openness and accountability within the Foundation.

In case of a (possible) conflict of interest concerning one or more members, this shall be reported with relevant information about it to the chairman or secretary and the member concerned cannot participate in the deliberations and decision-making about it.  Regarding any appropriate measures to be taken, the board provides openness within the organization and to external stakeholders. Decisions on this will be recorded in writing with reasons. The board will report on this in the annual report.
The board will also ensure that an anticipated or identified conflict of interest does not occur or will be eliminated.
Whenever a transaction or relationship is entered into which (may) involve conflicting interests of board members or artistic director, this requires the prior approval of the Board.
The Board records these decisions in writing, stating reasons, and reports on them in the annual report.

Our board members and the artistic director will always put the Foundation’s interests above their own and will refrain from personal bias. Our principle of joint responsibility is a good basis for this

Our board ascertains the independence of its members and members will consult with the board about any ancillary position that may have negative consequences for their functioning within the board.

4. Board members and artistic director are aware of their own (statutory) roles and the mutual division of tasks, responsibilities and powers and act accordingly. Treasurer and Artistic Director are responsible for financial management. They are accountable for it to the other board members.

The artistic director is accountable to the board and provides it with all information necessary for the proper functioning of the board. She provides that information solicited, unsolicited and always in a timely manner! Board members also have a joint and separate responsibility to request all the information they need to fulfil their role. They can request it internally from any of the officers but also from external stakeholders.

The Artistic Director reports to the board on her contacts with external stakeholders. This includes the nature, content and results of those contacts. She cannot make binding and/or financial agreements with parties outside the Foundation without permission from the Board.

5. All board members are jointly responsible for the overall management, operation and performance of the Foundation. In doing so, the board also considers and is responsible for

 the strategy, identity and continuity of the organization
– compliance with laws and regulations
– business and risk management, and business policies. 

The Artistic Director, with her extensive artistic skills and organizational talent, is the driving force in our organization. 

Both Members and Artistic Director regularly seek advice from our team of expert advisers on various artistic performance aspects.

In fulfilling their duties, the Board and Artistic Director always act on the basis of the social objective of the Foundation. In doing so, they also ensure that artistic integrity and independence are always guaranteed.

Our Board and Artistic Director ensure good mutual relations with internal and external stakeholders, with whom they hold regular consultations. This creates trust, support and legitimacy.

Duties and responsibilities of the Artistic Director and  of individual members of  the Board are clear (Internal Regulations) and members ensure that they stay equipped to perform their duties properly.

The Board is mindful of its own performance and good cooperation with the Artistic Director and devotes regular discussions to this.

6. The Board and Artistic Director treat the organizations people and means in a careful and responsible manner. 

As mentioned under 5, the Board knows its responsibilities and acts accordingly.

When the issue arises, the board will act as a good employer and has adopted the fair practice code for that purpose.

The organisational work of the Artistic Director is on a voluntary basis. Her artistic work and related expenses are reimbursed on a project basis and according to the Fair Practice Code.

All board members work on a voluntary basis. Only expenses incurred can be reimbursed.

7. Our hitherto small organization has no Supervisory Board. Relevant tasks of a supervisory board are performed by the Board.

8. The supervisory board is responsible for its own composition and safeguards expertise, diversity, and independence within its ranks

In addition to its own specific expertise every board member is able to independently assess the general, artistic and business policy of the Foundation in broad terms

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